Hello! My name is Felicity (or Fe or Flikka or Flex or Fliss), and this is my website!

Statement of intent!

I’m just kinda jumping into this. I’ll likely revisit this if I keep at this long enough to get a better sense of what this is, but for now, this will have to suffice. I’m sick of getting tricked into inaction by worrying about getting something 100% right; an existing but imperfect blog is better than the perfect hypothetical blog.

First and foremost this is for me. This is essentially going to be a journal that I’m leaving cracked open for people to peruse. I’m going to tag stuff so you can sort out what you want, but I’m going to try and cover a lot of topics about my life: restaurant reviews, movies I saw, shows I went to, kink scenes I did, general thoughts about my life. I’ll probably put some erotica up here. Don’t read my horny stuff if you don’t want to know that about me. Growing up I always wanted to be a writer, but I never really wrote much. Part of my life lately has been letting myself be the kind of person I wanted to be. Partly this is a vanity project! I want to be the annoying girl with a blog! Partly this is a monument to self-importance, but I’m trying to let myself be more important to me! As long as I’m having fun and enjoying doing this, that’s a success. I’m not going to be hounding metrics or seo or whatever the fuck. Which kinda brings me to my next point.

This is gonna be some very amateur shit. I’ll try not to talk out of my ass on things, but I don’t have any kind of background in this. I can only speak from my perspective (white, mid thirties, queer, poly, trans woman). I know there’s a lot of us talking from that perspective, if you don’t want to read it please don’t! This is not intended to be proscriptive, or helpful, or have solutions to problems. This is a place for me to catalog things that matter to me. It’s almost more of a newsletter? I dunno. Loosely brings me to my next point.

This is maybe part of how I’m going to be coping with the world. Everything seems to be getting worse at a political scale. The next four years, and all the years after that, are going to be an ever-increasing struggle. What’s odd is that I feel like I’m the best version of myself that I’ve ever been, and I’m doing the coolest shit I’ve ever done, with the best group of people around me I’ve ever had. I want this to be a life raft; something I can inflate with positivity when things are going well, something I can cling to when things are hard. I’ve had memory issues my whole life, and I want to be better about documenting joy, and just like, my day to day life. Next point!

This is a rejection of social media. It all fucking sucks. Fetlife is my most active profile by a long shot, and I feel bad clogging people’s feeds with my random musings about punk shows or whatever. So it’s going to go here. The dream of the early internet is still alive, I still want a shitty little webpage where I can scream into the void and not have to deal with the shittiest takes imaginable, mountains of AI slop, and ads for things I talked about on my phone once.

I think that’s all I have for now. Basically, watch this space, hopefully some cool stuff happens around here. If this helps you find new places to eat or bands to listen to or ways to get your ass beat purple, that’s great!!! Let me know, I am fundamentally an attention whore. But also like, I’m not gonna take it too seriously, or else I’d never get started. And if I’ve learned anything in the last, best 5 years of my life, it’s that getting started is infinitely more satisfying than not doing shit. The action is the juice!